Meet Our Teachers

Avery Vazac

Avery is a proud Starz PAA alumni and is so excited to be teaching again at Starz. Avery began dancing at age three training in ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, acrobatics, lyrical and contemporary. At Seven she joined Starz’s Competitive Team, which she competed on for 10 years.

After high school, Avery went on to receive her Bachelor’s degree in Communication and Media from Montclair State University. Avery has also been a producer and host at Sirius Radio NYC on Hits 1 for the past four years!


The Stepping Stone to Stardom

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Step into the Symphony of Stardom

Start your dancing journey with our seasoned instructors, turning you from dancing dynamites to shining stars!


Unlock your full potential and bring out the star in you. Sign up to our dancing programs to harness the power of dance in every movement. Join our vibrant community today!